Gameday Media

Media Guides Concept: Pocket Schedules are another product Gameday Media sells. Attached is one I did for Winnetonka’s 2017 football season. All media guide designers use a similar template, that we modify each year. I kept it simple by placing the schools logo on the front with a textured background, and using the school’s colors throughout. Inside for this pocket schedule, I chose boxes for the football games. The boxes are color coded to help fans identify home vs away games. To finish it, an ad is placed on the back.
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Gameday Media

Media Guides The many challenges I faced as a book designer were to ensure each of the 40 schools I was assigned was unique, and followed individual schools branding guidelines. The inside of the media guide, upcoming games, stats, roster, and images all needed to be categorized and organized so family, coaches and visitors could easily access the information accurately and quickly, while also making sure the cover and the inside of the guide had the same aesthetic feel. These are some samples of cover and interior media guides I designed. [envira-gallery id=”2351″]
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Concept: I always wondered when I sent a postcard to my friends if the mail person read the card. Therefore, with that in mind, I designed a simple flap that would cover up the message creating a card/postcard. The colors I chose are textures that I make with different types of mediums. These cards I used pastels on textured paper that I scanned in and used to filled in the drawn outlined image. I either drew the images in Adobe Photoshop/ Illustrator or hand drew them and then scanned. Cards: The Graduation card I designed for a friend of mine who was graduating from college. I wanted to steer away from the basic generic graduation card so I decided to create a time line of all the important events starting with her birth and then finishing with her college graduation. The second graduation cards I designed, were for two close family friends of mine who were both graduating with masters degrees from Kansas State. The concept of this card is a start to finish. Starting with her first day of Preschool to her final photo of her graduating. The Baby Shower card I designed for a close friend of mine […]
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